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Recruitment notice in the Timbuktu region with trips to the Gao region  Kidal

Democratic Governance and Accountability in the Management of Local Affairs at the Level of 20 Communes of Timbuktu and Gao Funded by the Swedish Embassy through Diakonia and implemented by AMSS (Malian Association for Survival in the Sahel)


Positions: 5 Governance advisers


The Malian Association for Survival in the Sahel is a national non-governmental organization that promotes and supports sustainable solutions to the problems of vulnerable people in northern Mali. Since 2012, AMSS has been developing assistance programs for populations affected by conflicts with programs that include food security, economic recovery, water and sanitation, emergency assistance, social cohesion and good governance.   

Duty station  : Region of Timbuktu (Timbuktu, Goundam, Diré) and  Gao region (Gao and Ansongo).

Starting date  : July 2019

Type of Contract:   Service contract,  of Malian nationality

Contract duration: Seven (7) months renewable

Deadline for submitting applications: 07/15/2019 at 12 noon

Missions related to the position  :

The Governance Advisor will work under the hierarchical supervision of the Project Manager.  In the circle of assignment he will be responsible  to support four municipalities in:

  • The promotion of activities that can improve the active participation of women in decision-making at the local, regional level

  • The conduct of actions for a better participation of citizens (holders of rights women, men, young people from all social strata)  planning, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of local affairs

  • The enhancement of accountability action in the provision of quality services at the local level.


  • University education  at least  : BAC + 3 in Law, administration, sociology or equivalent

  • Professional experience of at least 3 years in a similar position, particularly at the level of national or international NGOs

  • Ability to work in a team  ;

  • Good writing, analysis and synthesis skills  ;

  • Ability to adapt to security constraints, great flexibility in emergencies  and travel to the communities of intervention;

  • Have a good knowledge of collaborative approaches with the relevant technical services  ;

  • Knowledge of computer tools (Word Excel, Powerpoint  etc.)

  • Perfect knowledge of the circle concerned  and also the languages which are mainly spoken there (Sonrhai, Tamasheq, Moor and Peulh).  



A handwritten request addressed to the Director of Programs of the AMSS,

A cover letter;

A detailed CV with the references of 3 people

Certified diplomas and certificates,

A certificate of visit and against visit

A criminal record

  Applications must be submitted no later than 07/15/2019 at 12 p.m. at the AMSS headquarters located in the wireless district in front of BIM SA and, Timbuktu or at the following address amss.recrutement@gmail .com:  


Please write the following on the envelope  : "  Application for the position of governance advisor (circle of  :         ) "

Only preselected people will be invited for the test.

No file will be returned to candidates. Therefore, only attach legalized copies.


Female candidates are strongly encouraged

The deadline for submitting applications is  the 07/15/2019 at 12  time.

TDR Postes PSR Tombouctou Taoudeni
TDR Postes PSR Gao Menaka Kidal
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