Tbtou: +223 21 92 10 48
Bamako: +223 20 20 27 28
1. Location:
This project intervenes specifically in the region of Timbuktu through 02 circles, in particular:
the circle of Goundam for 03 municipalities and;
the circle of Diré for 03 municipalities;
The aim of the project is to contribute to the mitigation of the effects of the armed conflicts to which Mali and the Timbuktu region were victims in 2012 and to improve the living conditions of vulnerable families.
The spatial coverage of the Project across circles, municipalities, villages / sites in the Timbuktu region is as follows:
The results initially targeted within the framework of the project “Social integration and strengthening of the Citizen engagement of young women and men of the Timbuktu region” are essentially 04 in number, namely:
Young women and men, beneficiaries of the Project, exercise an income-generating activity
The young women beneficiaries of the Project have sustainably improved the nutritional situation of their families by integrating vegetables into their diet.
The young women and men, beneficiaries of the Project, improved their knowledge in the field of citizenship and in the non-violent treatment of conflicts
AMSS capacities in project management and implementation are strengthened
The achievements under the Project for this year 2017 in the Timbuktu region are rather satisfactory.
R1. Young women and men, beneficiaries of the Project, exercise an income-generating activity
The start of the project was materialized by the signing of a partnership agreement between the WHH and the AMSS, signed in February 2017, the establishment of the technical team for the execution of the project made up of 12 agents including 03 women ), organization of the launch meeting and annual planning of project activities. The launch took place in the presence of 42 participants (all regional authorities and actors) including 6 women (availability of action plans and monitoring plan within the framework of the project).
Following a presentation mission of the technical team of the project with the actors, technical implementation letters and partnership protocols are signed to mark the partnership with the target municipalities. At the end of the mission, six technical implementation letters and six partnership protocols were signed.
In the implementation phase of project activities, a baseline study (Baseline study) is organized to mark the basis of the project indicators (study report, updated logical framework).
To better manage micro-enterprises, micro-enterprise monitoring and control committees are created. At the end of the process of broad and inclusive community and municipal consultations, 6 committees were created by decisions to create mayors; 85 members make up the six committees, of which 20% are women, ie 17 women from 6 municipalities and 2 circles.
To identify the beneficiaries for the year 2017, two identification workshops for the beneficiaries of the project were held in the circles of Goundam and Diré on the basis of one workshop per circle of two days per workshop which enabled the mobilization of stakeholders. all categories (elected officials, technical service, traditional and religious authorities, young women and men, traditional communicators, consular chambers, development agencies).
Twelve (12) modules covering 12 IGAs deemed profitable are developed (updated) on the basis of the DACUM method.
The project manager and the Monitoring / Evaluation Officer took part in the second ordinary meeting of the regional framework for the partnership management of vocational training for employment.
The Baseline study report was returned and shared with regional players in the field of vocational training;
Design of a database allowing individual monitoring of 276 beneficiaries;
R2. The young women beneficiaries of the Project have sustainably improved the nutritional situation of their families by integrating vegetables into their diet.
28 sectors with market / employment opportunities for young people have been identified;
11 priority sectors carrying market / employment opportunities for young people were selected at the end of the beneficiary identification workshops serving as areas of intervention within the framework of the project;
276 young people in need of supporting micro businesses have been identified, including 141women and 135 young people at the end of the beneficiary identification workshops;
22 collective micro-enterprises and 27 individual micro-enterprises were created with 275 young micro-entrepreneurs including 145 young women and men;
15 community micro-enterprises and 20 individual micro-enterprises were selected for the year 2017 for a total of 232 direct beneficiaries, i.e. 124 young women (53.44%) and 108 young men;
08 AGRs are planned to be affected by the actions of 2017;
18 management committees have been set up to support collective micro-enterprises in the transparent management of their business plans;
05 market gardening perimeters have been developed;
A mission to monitor and supervise the activities of micro-enterprises was organized by the agents of the technical services of agriculture for the close monitoring of the development works of 5 market garden areas.
R3. The young women and men, beneficiaries of the Project, improved their knowledge in the field of citizenship and in the non-violent treatment of conflicts.
In view of the late start of the Project, contrary to the expectations of the team who did not hope to provide anything within the framework of this result “3 », Important achievements have been made.
To support young beneficiaries and community leaders, actions were carried out by the project team, namely:
07 radios in the intervention area have been identified as part of a future partnership;
06 members of the technical team were oriented / trained on the peaceful management of conflicts, the rights and duties of citizens, the voting process in Mali;
Two citizenship training workshops were organized through the two circles co-facilitated by the Sous - Prefects and the project agents;
43 members of: monitoring committees, elected officials, leaders of political parties were trained on the themes of citizenship, namely: education in the culture of peace, the rights and duties of citizens and the process of elections (three-level voting);
R4 . The capacities of AMSS in project management and implementation are strengthened.
To improve the capacities of AMSS in the execution of the program,
Establishment of the technical team for the execution of the project composed of 12 agents including 03 women)
26 AMSS agents including 06 women were trained in first aid by the WHH;
06 AMSS administrative staff were trained on the use of WHH / BMZ administrative and financial standards;
A technical agent (in charge of AGR) took part in the training on food security in Ouagadougou with the support of the WHH;
A technical agent (project manager) took part in the security training (“HEAT SECURITE WHH MALI” training from 13 to 17 November 2017.
09 monthly meetings are held by the team as part of the animation of the project;
A mission of sharing sessions on the progress of project activities from March to July 2017 was organized by the project manager in Bamako;
04 monitoring and supervision missions of project activities in the field were organized by the team of technical managers of the Project (project manager and project managers);
04 monitoring and supervision missions for project activities were organized by the AMSS management;
The equipment and materials necessary for the operation of the project are acquired;
10 monthly financial reports provided;
3 quarterly narrative reports provided;
Training of AMSS agents in safety and first aid
5. Deviations:
By the grace of God and the determination of those responsible for the Project from the national to the regional level, the status of project implementation was generally satisfactory despite delays often observed in the execution of certain activities. overall exceeds the forecast combined with the annual planning of April 2017.
6.Partners and their contributions by program: Welthungerhilfe / BMZ / Communities
7. Beneficiaries:
The beneficiaries of the MLI 1088 project are mainly: young women and men aged 15 to 40 who are out of school, out of school, returned, repatriated, displaced and host communities, youth organizations and associations, communities and community services. 'State.