Tbtou: +223 21 92 10 48
Bamako: +223 20 20 27 28
Natural resources management project in the Timbuktu region
1. Location :
Timbuktu region
Circle of Goundam:
Municipalities (Bintagoungou M'bouna and Issabery)
2. Budget : 32 480 164FCFA under Funding Bread for the World / year 1
The direct beneficiaries are:
3. 748 members of associations / groups of forest operators, associations and cooperatives of women, associations and cooperatives of breeders and fishermen.
Indirect beneficiaries :
8,743 members of other civil society organizations : community leaders and customary chiefs, religious leaders, TCs, relevant State services, communities.
3. The expected results:
R1. The communes of M'Bouna, Bintagoungou and Issa Béri in the Goundam circle have given priority to natural resources issues.
R2. Communities in intervention areas, especially women, are diversifying their sources of income through the development of alternative activities for resilience in the face of climate change.
The results achieved:
At the end of the project activities, the results achieved can be summarized as :
The establishment of management bodies for the various initiatives and their endowments in statutes and internal regulations around inter-municipal actions at the level of the municipalities.
The training of 60 actors on the texts relating to the management of natural resources
Animation and sensitization of communities on the issue of climate change and sensitized on good practices for protecting natural resources and the environment
Training of 30 blacksmiths from target communities on the manufacture of metal hearths.
The training of 30 village nurserymen (men, women) with 3000 plastic pots and seeds).
Capacity building of 10 women's associations in carrying out market gardening activities
Development and enhancement of 16 hectares of perimeters in the communes of Bintagoungou, M'Bouna, and Issabéry).
Planting 100 feet in each of the municipalities of intervention