Tbtou: +223 21 92 10 48
Bamako: +223 20 20 27 28
Project Mali Justice Project (MJP)
Location :
The program covers 6 municipalities in the circles of Goundam and Timbuktu in the Timbuktu region : Douekiré, Doukouria, Goundam, Alafia, Bourem Inaly and Tombouctou.
2. Budget : 89.000.000FCFA
3. Results expected by the program :
The expected results of the project are presented by specific objectives.
Overall objective is to facilitate access to justice for citizens of the Timbuktu region.
Specific objective 1 : Improve the level of knowledge of citizens of the project intervention areas on initiatives for equitable access to justice.
Specific objective 2 : Develop strategies for redressing the rights of women, children and other victims of violence.
The expected results of the project :
Result 1 .1: The capacities of citizens of the project intervention areas are strengthened on access to justice
Result 1.2 : Citizens participate in all initiatives for access to justice.
Outcome 2.1 : Women, children and other victims of violence have obtained redress for their grievances.
4. Results achieved by program :
The following results were achieved by the project :
The signing of the partnership contract with MJP
Staff recruitment
Training of AMSS staff on administrative / financial procedures and the MJT project monitoring-evaluation approach
The launch at the regional level
Sensitization / information to communities on the importance of setting up coordinated community responses and a referral and information mechanism in six municipalities
Presentation of the project at municipal level by AMSS agents
The establishment coordinated community responses and referral and information mechanism in six municipalities
Training of community relays on civil status, land law and the functioning mechanisms of judicial institutions in the municipalities : Goundam, Alafia, Bourem Inaly, Douékiré Timbuktu and Doukouria
Contractualization with 8 partner radio stations from the circles of Timbuktu and Goundam for the dissemination of messages and the organization of radio debates on issues of access to justice (using a partnership protocol)
Workshop to strengthen the synergy of action with the justice services and other stakeholders for the legal support of victims in all the municipalities of intervention
Identification and capitalization of best customary and religious practices promoting reconciliation and living together in the municipalities of intervention
Quarterly activity monitoring mission by the field coordinator
Organization of monthly meetings with program officers
5. Partner: USAID / Checchi consulting
6. Beneficiaries :
The direct beneficiaries of project support are women, children, young people, displaced / returnees, vulnerable people, the disabled, community leaders, religious (all faiths combined), notables.
Indirect targets are the members of associations / cooperatives of women, young people, communities and the technical services of the State.