Tbtou: +223 21 92 10 48
Bamako: +223 20 20 27 28
Rehabilitation Project / Equipment of 46 hectares of Gesell de Tonka women for rice growing, market gardening and reforestation
1. Location :
Municipality of Tonka
2. Budget : 43 409,000 FCFA (MINUSMA and Communities)
3. Results expected by the program :
Contribute to social cohesion by relaunching economic activities,
Contribute to improving the living conditions and incomes of women beneficiaries and the populations of the village of Tonka.
4. Results achieved by the program :
Rehabilitation of a main irrigation canal over 350 m and 7 dividers with small channels of 100 m,
Rehabilitation of the market gardening perimeter,
Purchase of HATZ motor pump with accessories,
Purchase of market gardening tools (Purchase of watering cans, wheelbarrows, plastic buckets, daba, hoes, rakes, shovels, sprayers),
Seeds for market gardening (Potato, carrot, lettuce, beet, onion, Shallot, tomato, okra, cucumber, phytosanitary products, plants, phytosanitary products, etc.),
Purchase of fuel for the operation of the motor pump and the thresher,
Awareness-raising activities, information / training (training of members of the management committee on keeping tools management of market garden and rice areas (for 03 days), training of members of the Geuzel association on good vegetable and rice production practices (seed rate, sowing and transplanting density, fertilization, harvest and post-harvest, etc…) (for 03 days), Organization 03 spaces for reflection / days of discussion between elected municipal officials, community leaders, religious, women, young people, civil society in order to discuss religion and social norms, Training of members of the Geuzel association on conservation and marketing techniques for market garden and rice products (for 03 days),
Advice support / Monitoring and maintenance of rice and market gardening perimeters (Plant maintenance and treatment).
5. Partners and their contributions : MINUSMA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali)
6. Beneficiaries :
Direct beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project are : 350 women members of the Gesell association, mainly made up of women farmers from the market garden and rice fields in the village of Tonka.
Indirect beneficiaries : The indirect beneficiaries of the project are : 5 452 people made up of community leaders and customary chiefs, civil society organizations, men, women, young people, the disabled, territorial communities, the State and its decentralized services, and other agro-sylvo-pastoral users / operators.